Our Business

<Advisory for initiatives of respecting human rights>

– Training for respecting human rights (basic/practical) for executives/employees
– Formulation of human rights policy (English/Japanese)
– Establishment and implementation of the scheme for human rights due diligence
(of the company group, others in the company’s value chain)
– Establishment, review, and improvement of grievance mechanisms
– Disclosure of the initiatives to stakeholders

< Advisory for CSR>

[CSR in general]
– Training for executives/employees on CSR
– Creation of CSR guidelines/supplier questionnaires
– Advisory for responding to CSR surveys from client companies
– Visiting own facility sites to check the status of CSR activities
– Visiting suppliers’ facility sites to check the status of CSR activities, etc.

[Conformance to individual CSR standards, etc.]
– Compliance with the RBA standards (Code of Conduct, SAQ, audit procedures/requirements,
– Improvement of EcoVadis responses/scores
– Implementation of training for executives/employees on individual CSR standards, etc.

[Content sales]
-Sales of various content created by our company on respect for human rights/CSR initiatives